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5 result(s) found for "Memory".

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The Power of Bite-Sized Assessments: Using Micro-Quizzes to Reinforce Learning in Nigeria
For too long, across the Nigerian education system, assessments have been viewed as stressful events reserved for evaluating a student's capabilities...
The Power of Quizzing: A Pathway to Deeper Learning in Nigeria
For students across Nigeria, assessments often bring feelings of anxiety and dread. Annual exams carry immense pressure, with the results determining...
Step into the Future: The Magic of Virtual Reality in Gaming
Step into a world where games aren't just on screens, but a magical adventure you're part of! Welcome to Virtual Reality (VR), where the line between...
The Science of Memory: How Testing Boosts Long-Term Retention
Many students view testing as a necessary evil, but educational science reveals it is among the best techniques for cementing knowledge. The act of re...
How Technology is Transforming Education through Interactive Learning
Education is undergoing a technology-driven transformation. While computers have been used in classrooms for decades, we are only beginning to tap int...

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